200 hour yoga teacher training application

Only select applicants will be accepted into the next teacher training program. Please fill out this application accurately and honestly. If you're ready to be achange agent and uplifter within the community and become the absolute best version of yourself, please continue with this application. Together we will learn about the sacred lineage of yoga through its history, philosophy and physical practice. Learning the 8 limb path, sutras, meditation, breathing techniques, five element and meridian theory, the business of yoga and much more. This program produces highly sought after instructors that work within the Peterborough area, nationally and now even internationally! Get ready to help shift many peoples lives through the gift of yoga. We will also dive into the lifestyle of a modern yogi and how to apply these ancient philosophies in today's world; looking at business aspects of how to market yourself and generate a following. With the guidance of highly qualified teachers and master instructors your strengths and challenges as a communicator, yoga practitioner, business person and individual will be tested and molded in the valuable life-long skills. This will be a time period of amazing growth - physically, mentally and spiritually. We will be in touch shortly to discuss your application.
